Hotel Industry Boiler System Solutions

Hotel Industry Boiler System Solutions

Generally speaking, for hotel-type enterprises, hot water boilers are mainly used for heating, hot water for bathing, and constant temperature water sources for swimming pools. Considering the positioning of customers in the hotel industry, most hotels will choose to be built in prosperous areas of towns or places with excellent ecological environments. There are many requirements for the environment and user experience. Therefore, when hotel-type enterprises purchase hot water boilers, they will definitely choose hot water boilers that can fully meet the normal use of hotel facilities and have no pollution to the surrounding environment of the hotel.

Hotel boiler system solution

Hot springs, swimming pools, and other facilities and heating requirements have different temperature requirements. For example, swimming pools may need to maintain normal temperature water at 27°C, while saunas, hot springs, bathing, etc. require higher temperature hot water, and heating uses The heat released by the hot water is transferred to the indoor environment, allowing people to relax in a comfortable environment.

Hotel boiler Hotel boiler system

Hotel heating + swimming pool boiler system solution

Generally speaking, a hotel is a place for guests to rest and eat. Specifically, it is an organization that uses buildings as certificates to provide services to guests by selling guest rooms, catering, and comprehensive service facilities, thereby obtaining economic benefits.

Swimming pool boiler Swimming pool boiler system

Leisure place boiler system solution

Saunas, hot springs, swimming, bathing, and other facilities have different requirements for hot water temperature. For example, swimming pools may need to maintain normal temperature water at 27°C, while saunas, hot springs, bathing, etc. need hot water at a higher temperature. Then, the hot water boiler needs to use multiple pipelines to deliver hot water of different temperatures to different facilities.

Leisure place boiler Leisure place boiler system